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Results 71-80 from 385 articles

Tipping a Mohel??

K.C. asks from Dallas

Hi! We are planning a homebirth with our second child. My midwife has recommended a mohel to do the circumsicion since we will not be at the hospital with an OB/sur...


Jff- Mother's Ring

D.G. asks from Lincoln

Do you have one? where would you recommend getting one? I've decided I want one and I'm not sure where to begin looking. I want a good quality one that will last. ...


1St Birthday for 3 Surviving Quadruplets

T.K. asks from San Antonio

Hello moms, I am asking this question for a friend of mine. She is starting to plan the 1st birthday of her 3 surviving quadruplets and their angel baby girl who ...


I Just Found Out Im Pregnant

M.V. asks from Chicago

Hi Ladies, I kind of have something bugging me. I just found out that I am pregnant, and one of my co-workers said that our boss was mean to her and kind of discr...


Stroller Advice

C.C. asks from New York

I am a New York City dweller with no car, hence I use the transportation system. As such, the stroller I currently have is simply not adequate for city life. I was gi...


Looking for a Photographer in Fort Worth

T.V. asks from Dallas

I am wanting to get one month pictures of my little girl and I am seeking a good photographer in the Fort Worth Area that isn't extremely expensive but takes good pic...


Photographer Recommendation

M.K. asks from Dallas

Hi, I am looking for a photographer to do newborn pictures of our little one and of course more pictures down the line. Can you provide recommendations of people you...


Looking for a Photographer for a Big Group

H.F. asks from Dallas

Hi, everyone has been so helpful in the past, I hope you can help this time. My family is having a family reunion at Thanksgiving, it is the first time in 3 years ...


Original Gift Ideas

J.C. asks from Dallas

My friend had fraternal twins and I'm looking to give her something other than your typical gift of clothing. They are her first babies, so she has all of the necess...


Classic UTI Symptoms

C. asks from State College

Hi. My 4 yr. old son has been having difficulty urinating (can't get all of the urine out and complains that his stomach hurts. He has been peeing frequently but sa...

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  • rabbi rovinsky in 3 answers "If it is Rabbi Rovinsky, he has a set fee and will let you know the fee when you set ..."
  • rabbi rovinski in 2 answers "We went through a guy named Rabbi Rovinski."
  • michael rovinsky in 3 answers "... 85MOHEL Contact: Rabbi Michael Rovinsky"
  • mimi porter in 2 answers "I second Mimi Porter. She did the pictures for our cheerleading squad and did a great ..."
  • hooded towels in 2 answers "... which has pictures of some of my towels - I made personalized hooded towels ..."