My little girl is 2 months and hates riding in the car seat. She cries all of the time in it. Have any of you had a baby like this? My doctor said to just keep put...
Peridically throughout the year my ten year old son will get a huge blister on his lower lip - it's about the size of a dime, is red & yellow in color. Our pediatric...
i would really like to feed my family in a good and nutrution way,i love to cook,i have really wanted to go the organic way and was wondering does anyone know where i...
My daughter seems to react very badly to mosquito bites. The site swells up dramatically and gets really red. Of course, then she starts to itch and usually scratches...
Thursday night.
My 6 year old daughter has had especially rosy checks today, unnaturally rosy. No fever, no symptoms at all. This evening she has developed a rash...
My son seems to be breaking out in hives pretty regularly for the past 3 days. We have not changed any laundry, soaps, etc... or introduced any new foods. They look...
my 13 year old is a beautiful vivacious girl, and she has acne. We have tried every over the counter remedy as well as the all promising Proactive. Nothing seems to w...
So am only seven weeks to pregnacy and on my first tree weeks i began to bleed whent to emergency because i got scared they said everithing was ok that i just needed ...
My seven week old daughter started breaking out with some pimples all over her ears about a week ago. Over the next few days, the pimples spread to her cheeks. At f...
My 9 yr. old daughter got her ears pierced 6 weeks ago. We took the earrings out but she will not let me or anyone else replace them. She says it hurts and acts lik...