Last night I found out my husband will be deployed for our baby's birth(due end of Nov.), our first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and our 1 yr anniversary. This is our fir...
My daughter has a July 31st birthday. She is currently in 4's preschool. She will just turned 5 for the Sept. 1st cut-off. She is above average academically per he...
I am due to have my first baby, a boy, around december 15th. I am VERY nervous about Labor & Delivery. Is there any advice you can give me that will help me out. I pl...
We have our spare bed in the basement, water and food for the baby. Purchased new batteries for the radio incase of power loss, but what else can we do to help prepa...
Im 36 Wks pregnant with my first child (a boy!)! I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on a "new dad" gift to give to my fiance (the baby's father). I wanted somet...
Coming up in the near future I am taking a 3 1/2 hour plane trip with my 9 month old son. I am alittle uneasy about it. I am hoping and praying that I won't be that m...
I have 2 problems here. I have a 3 year old daughter, and 2 boys ages 1 and 2. My daughter used to sleep well at night since she was 6 weeks old until I had my seco...
I have a lot of problems with my in-laws. We barely tolerate each other. My SIL's and I do not tolerate each other at all. My SIL's and DH don't really have a relatio...
I am so depressed. I'm 7 months pregnant with my first daughter. I have three boys ages 9, 6, & 2. My two older boys are autistic. My 2yr old was born with a congenit...
I've never figured out if this is an abandonment issue of my own or not. I love my mother and have always had a really good relationship with her. That is, until I wa...