My son is a little over 3 1/2 months old. He is a happy boy and appears healthy but he hasnt had frequent bowel movements for over a month. He started out pooping rou...
Our daughter is a little over 3 months old. She was born 9 weeks early. Because of this, she was fed breastmilk through the bottle for the first 2 months of her life....
Good Morning Mommas!
I need help with my 6 year old. He is holding his poop and reverting and pooping his pants. He has been potty trained since 2.5 years old. ...
sorry for the gross title. But my 18 month old is on DAY FOUR of no poop (just little smears). She is holding it because it hurts to go because she has a fissure. I c...
I have a question about my son's poop- sorry if this is kind of gross. He'll be two years old next month, and his bm's are still about the same consistency that they...
I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I haven't been able to take a poop in FIVE DAYS! I drink a ton of water, I don't eat a lot of junk and I take benefiber every day! On top of...
This is really disgusting but my son took his diaper off last night and when I came back in the room there were deposits of poop in like four places in the room. I, ...
I have a daughter who will be 3 in March, and she's been peeing on her little potty since November, with only 2 accidents since we started training her. Needless to ...
Just so you have all the information, here is some background info: 8 month old boy, first child for myself and my husband, breastfed (nurses 5 times a day), has been...