My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
My 5 month old baby girl was diagnosed with reflux several weeks after her birth. Her pediatrician prescribed 15 mg of prevacid a day. I have noticed improvement wi...
My son's 12 month well baby check is right around the corner and I wanted some advice... the ped. said with the 12 month my son would receive 5 shots (one of these is...
My son is 5 1/2 months. I've started giving him a spoonfull of cereal at night.
now what? i've been doing this for 2 weeks & don't know where to go from here....
Hi moms,
I need some advice. I started to try giving my son some rice cereal mixed with formula but he does not want to eat it. Would any moms recommend mixing a ...
Has Anyone Known Baby Magic Hair & Body Wash to Cause a Skin Rash? My husband mistakenly picked up the wrong 'wash' at the store the other day. I was uncertain...
When she was a few weeks old my daughter wasn't taking well to the regular Enfamil as it seemed she had a milk protein allergy and was switched to soy. She has done v...
my milk supply is decreasing when i pump. The let down just isn't happening. It works when i am actually breastfeeding though. so i keep pumping twice a day at wor...
Its been 3 months and my baby is showing no signs of sleeping through the night. He wakes up every 3 hours to eat. I know that it takes some babies much longer to s...
My 4 month old son has eczema all over his arms, legs and cheeks He's got these big red splotches all over and doesn't seem to be going away. The doctor said to try ...