Can anyone recommend a good car seat for a toddler. I'd like to keep my daughter in a 5 point harness as long as possible because it seems the safest. She will be 3...
My almost 4 month old baby ALWAYS cries when we are in the car. He's a big baby (about 17 lbs) and seems to hate his car seat. I had a similar problem with his older ...
I have a 9month old and another baby on the way. I drive a honda civic. I will need to get my 9 month old a front facing car seat when he turns 1 year, and then the...
Looking to get a 7 or 8 seater SUV. Wondering how you mom's out there like yours and if you prefer the middle row to be captain's chairs or bench seating. I WILL ha...
I was curious to see when everyone switched their babies to a front facing car seat. I have a six month old and want to start doing research on the next stage while I...
Hello. Our daughter is reaching the limit on the carseat that we currently have. She will be 40 pounds, soon. So, we are going to have to invest in a bigger car se...
Ok Mamas.... I need some help. I am in the process of looking for a new carseat for our little one. I would like something that can be used rear facing and front faci...
Hi- I have a 27 mo. old and my second (a boy) due in late July.We can't decide wether to place the rear facing car seat in the middle of the back seat of our cars and...
An answer to one of yesterdays questions got me dependent is everyone on their car?
I consider my family fairly car dependent. We are a two car f...
I have a 9 1/2 mos little boy and he we have already put him in the bigger car seat that they can use up to 40lbs. My question is when is it ok to switch him from fac...