art room

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Results 31-40 from 5,216 articles

Art Projects for Almost 2 Year Old Boy

S.M. asks from Norfolk

Hey, Mommies! My daughter just started school and I need ways to entertain my son who is almost 2. We don't have a lot of money for expensive art supplies so I am loo...


Play Room vs Man Room

A.S. asks from Reading

ok so our house has 3 bedroom. our masterbed our 11 month old sons room and an extra bed room that currently holds my fiances tv, some video games...holds storage......


I'm Drowning in Art Work!

K.C. asks from Detroit

Hi Ladies, Now that my son is back at school, I'm going through each room of our house and purging. Yesterday was my office, which hasn't been opened since April. ...


Refinishing Dining Room Table

B.R. asks from Dallas

My dining room table is in horrible shape on top because of all the art projects. I bought Fromby's yesterday to refinish it but I'm kind of scared to use it. Has any...


Art Portfolio Ideas

K.D. asks from San Diego

Hey Magnificent Mamas Thanks for considering my question. I am interested in ideas for storing my sons' artwork to save for them when they are older so they can s...


Art Question I Need Help!

T.L. asks from St. Louis

I saw a painting/poster a long time ago and am now trying to figure out who is the painter. It is an illusion painting where on the left side is the ocean, a tree in...


Recommendation for an Art Easel for a Preschooler

S.M. asks from Washington DC

I am thinking of buying my niece an easel for Christmas and am looking for experiences from Moms. I bought one for my daughter a few years ago and it was a pain in t...


Kids Rooms and Play Room

K.L. asks from Savannah

First, to paint a picture . . . We have put an offer on a house that has a bedroom for each of my kids (2 1/2 and 2 month old). It also has a living room PLUS a very...


Inexpensive Ways to Update a Room?

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

If you couldn't remodel or spend too much room, how would YOU update YOUR living space? Let's say the living room, for example? The room everyone spends time in (no...


What's Your Favorite Room in Your Home & Why?

N.N. asks from Detroit

I guess I just feel like chit chatting. My favorite room is the bathroom. When I am in there I can read without being interupted. What say you?

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Answer Highlights

  • take digital photos in 2 answers "Take digital photos, print them out and put them in an album."
  • few stuffed animals in 2 answers "All of the toys save a few stuffed animals for sleeping are in the toy room."
  • our bedrooms are upstairs in 2 answers "Our bedrooms are upstairs. Downstairs, off of the living room, we have an extra bedroom ..."
  • add food coloring in 2 answers "cream tarter (powder) 3 Tbsp. Oil Add food coloring to water in saucepan."
  • beanbag chair in 2 answers "All my son has in his room is his bed, dresser, bookcase and beanbag chair."