American Sign Language

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Results 31-40 from 485 articles

Baby Sign Language (No Hearing Issues, Just Language Capability Booster)

M.S. asks from Chicago

Does anyone out there have experience with baby sign language for healthy babies? I've heard of it and I know there are tons of videos on You Tube and other sites tha...


Sign Language for Me 3.5 Year Old with Speech Delay

L.G. asks from Boston

My 3.5 year old son has speech delay, he started KO which is early intervention, he also receives speech therapy 3 hours per week (2 hours were the recommendations ba...


Sign Language Books or Books on How to Communicate Better with My 1 Year Old??

S.B. asks from Springfield

Hello Ladies I have a 1 year old who is learning how to talk with his mouth and he says some words like no, up, num num for food or what, or woof woof for dog every...



A.R. asks from El Paso

What can help me to teach my 4 year-old toddler a second language.I am bilingual but i find pretty hard to teach him what can i do?


Dual Language Program

J.P. asks from Dallas

My daughter's school will start offering a dual language program and my husband and I have really been thinking about it. Is there anyone that has thier child in a d...


Teaching Kids Second Language

T.R. asks from Syracuse

Hi, I was wondering if your kids speak (or are learning) a second language (particularly if you and your extended family do not). How did you go about teaching (clas...


When English Is Not Parents First Language

E.K. asks from Boston

My husband and I are Polish and our families live there. Our son, 21 mos, learns new words with an amazing speed. I wonder how some of you, who have been born and rai...


Language Immersion Schools

J.H. asks from Los Angeles

We are considering enrolling our daughter in a French immersion school for kindergarten, but I am concerned that it will be too difficult for her to learn a new langu...


Expressive Language Delay

J.F. asks from Boston

I was wondering if any moms have delt with expressive language delay in any of their children? My 17 month old son doesnt speak at all. We are having him evaluated ...


French or Spanish as a Second Language?

J.L. asks from Phoenix

As a homeschooling mother, I was looking into a second language for my daughters 3rd grade curriculum. I already know who's curriculum I'm going to use, the question...

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