Hi Ladies,
I have tried lots of different foundations for my face and they all seem to make my acne worse. What do you use that does not make your acne flare up?
I have been dealing with cystic acne (deep painful acne) since I was a teenager. I'm now 33 years old and pregnant with #3. It doesn't matter, pregnant or not, typica...
Ever since I had my 2nd child (and got my tubes tied) I have had horrible adult acne (worse than I ever had as a teenager.)
That was 16 months ago. At first, I attri...
I have a 1 month old baby, and I was wondering what I should do about some acne she has on her face. They look like little red heatbumps, and they're just on her cheeks.
My daughter had acne as a tween and teenager...even started using deodorant at the age of 9...but never had this problem...nor have I or my husband.
My soon to be ...
My daughter is 15mo. old and since having her I have horrible acne on my chin. I have tried Proactive and it is not working. Does anyone have any recommendations fo...
my son is 8 weeks and has red bumps on his face that come and go, how do i know if this is baby acne or an allergic reaction to something in my home, such as my dog??
My son is 3 weeks old and has a lot of baby acne on his cheeks and forehead. He looks like a teenager!! My pediatrician said its due to my hormones (I'm breastfeeding...