My five month old "brick" (26 inches 18lbs)is outgrowing his infant car seat by the minute and I will be moving him up to the Britax Marathon and Roundabout that my 3...
My 6 and 4 year old children attend a play group two saturdays a month that does fun excursions for them as well as little parties and learning opportunities. (They h...
I went to the emergency room tonight thinking I was having a miscarriage but thankfully I'm not. The Dr. there tested my HCG level by blood and compared it to the lev...
Have any of you had your children screened for lead? We did and our daughter had a level of 4.3. Should we be worried - any suggestions of what we should do....
my daughter is in kindergarden.. Her teacher said she tested her and she read a level A book and a level B book.. I saw a chart that said by the end of kindergarden a...
Both of my kids are reading at approximately the first grade level. Our district uses Guided Reading Levels. I think they are level E or F. I go to the libarry t...
So I've been sitting on my son's kindergarten report card for, oh almost a month! Anyway, it talkes about his DRA Reading Level. I'm just wondering how to find book...
we use the born free bottles and their nipples come in stages (levels 1-3 and 2 extras). my husband and i were havinga dicussion on ifyou HAVE to change nipples.