a big day out

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Results 41-50 from 96,333 articles

Big HOME Remodels

L.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi, for those of you who have done big home remodels, I'm wondering, how did you finance it? Did you save up money for the project? Use your savings? Take out a loan?...


Version/C Section/ Big Baby

K.S. asks from New York

hi all. i am 34 weeks with baby # 2. my first is 2 years old and she was born vaginally and was 9 lbs. Baby # 2 is breech and my OB thinks its big. she thinks its 7...


Switching from Crib to Big Bed.

V.A. asks from Dallas

My son who is 23 months, is climbing out of his crib repeatedly so we decided it was time to move him to a big boy bed. We put his twin "trundle" in his room exactly ...


Transition to a Big Boy Bed

K.H. asks from Jacksonville

I know it might be a tad bit early to start transitioning my son to a big boy bed, but we will be moving my daughter to his crib in a few months and we just don't hav...


Transition to a Big Girl Bed

J.B. asks from Minneapolis

I need some advise on making the transition to a "Big Girl" bed. What has people had success with? I've heard people say to just put the mattress on the floor and ...


Is This Still a Big Deal for Teenagers?

K.H. asks from Burlington

Youngest son, just started new school where he is changing in locker rooms for the first time. He's just concerned about whether he might get teased because he wears ...


Big Baby and Front Carriers

S.M. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 27 pounds at 6 months. I think we have at least 5 more months of carrying her, if not more. Can someone help me with what kind of carrier to use? Sling...


Transition to Big Girl Bed

S.S. asks from Birmingham

How do I make the change from my bed to a big girl bed without all the crying and yelling. But here's the thing she's been in my bed since she's came from from the ho...


Big Girl Bed

K.S. asks from Dallas

My 2 year old daughter has always slept through the night, that is until we moved her into a big girl bed 2 weeks ago. She is now waking up every night. It is hard en...


Transitioning to Big Girl Bed

M.B. asks from Atlanta

Hi all. My almost 3.5 yo little girl is sleeping in a toddler bed now. Her grandparents are coming down in October for a week and i plan to put a full size bed in h...

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Answer Highlights

  • major abdominal surgery in 3 answers "A c-section is major abdominal surgery and carries all the risks of that."
  • boxer briefs in 5 answers "I know both of my sons have switched from briefs to boxer briefs within the last year ..."
  • ergo baby carrier in 3 answers "I highly recommend an ergo baby carrier for a heavier child."
  • piece of cloth that you wrap in 2 answers "The one she told me about is almost like a long piece of cloth that you wrap around ..."
  • moby wrap in 3 answers "I highly recommend the Moby Wrap."