9 month old and naps

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9 Month Old Fighting Naps

A.J. asks from Portland

Hello Everyone! So I have a sweet and happy 9 month old who HATES napping! I know, nothing new right? I'm hoping for some useful advice. He normally sleeps through ...


9 Month Old Fighting Naps

R.M. asks from Fresno

My daughter is now 9 months old. She has begun to fight every naptime. I don't think it's because she no longer needs 2 naps, because she still gets really cranky and...


Lengthening Naps in 9 Month Old

S.L. asks from New York

My DS is 9 months old and has never been a great napper, but now he only naps for 20-30 minutes max. Before Christmas he would usually nap between 40 minutes and 2 h...


Naps Are Short

A.V. asks from Spokane

Hello, my 9 month old is still taking 3 to 4 naps per day because she only naps for 30 min at a time. It doesn't matter if she is in her cozy quiet room or in the car...


Naps for a Three Month Old

C.K. asks from Atlanta

Hello all--I am seeking advice on a nap schedule for a three-month old. My daughter sleeps well at night in her crib (down by 8:30, wakes for one feeding around 3, t...


My 9 Month Old Naps Have Changed from 1 1/2Hr to 1/2 Hour Twice a Day

D.C. asks from San Francisco

I need some help please. My 9 month old use to take hour -half naps, but know he is only taking 1/2hr naps twice a day. I know that he is tired, but he just cry's ...


Naps and a 4 Month Old

S.S. asks from Chicago

I was wondering at what age to infants start having regular naps lasting at least one hour. I have a 4 month old son who is a fairly good night sleep. He gets up tw...


Naps at the Same Time!

A.C. asks from Portland

I have a 21 month old who takes regular naps once a day for a couple of hours. I have a 7 week old who sleeps before and after these naps. How do I train the 7 week...


Daytime Naps

A.R. asks from Omaha

I have three sons, two are now in school. My youngest is three months old and does not take naps during the day. With my other boys I have always let them set their...


Daytime Naps

L.A. asks from La Crosse

How many naps (and for how long) should a 6 month old be taking during the day for the best sleep results at night? I dont want to overtire him during the day just so...

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Answer Highlights

  • sleep begets sleep in 2 answers "... on the child, but one of the best things i ever learned was "sleep begets sleep ..."
  • healthy sleep habits in 3 answers "I also recommend "Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child". Although some things don't ..."
  • healthy sleep habits in 2 answers "I followed the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child""
  • trial and error in 2 answers "I had to learn this through trial and error with my now 3 year old daughter."
  • gave up naps in 2 answers "My daughter gave up naps just after she turned 2, so the last 4."