Vision: Epi Pen

61 answers

Seeking ANY Advice About Children's Migraines!

My daughter, age 9, has had three migraines in the past six weeks. Her doctor has offered little advice...only for us to keep a journal of them and give Advil. Does anyone in this wonderful community have any experience with migraines in children, how to prevent them, how to treat them quickly, any medications that work effectively, etc. I am very concerned as this is my active, athletic, outgoing daughter who now spends many days in her darkened bedroom with a cold compress on her forehead.

Pink Eye

5 answers

Pink Puffyness Under My One Year Olds Eye

Okay, Yesterday my 14 month old son was having his snack and everything was fine. He was eating some cheese, mini peanut butter ritz crackers and orange juice. After he was done, I put him down for his nap but about 20 min later he still wasn't asleep so I went to get him out. When I went to get him, I noticed that his right eye was very swollen underneath and very pink. It looked like it was half closed. He was acting totally fine and seemed to be unaware of it. Over the next 1.5 hours, it seemed to go away. What was that? Is he allergic...