I have a short air flight to northern CA planned this summer and I really would like to take my Bob stroller. Does anyone have any experiences/advice they'd like to s...
Has anyone traveled on a plane with the Bob Double Stroller? What bag have you found to protect it from the airline? Where did you buy it? Cost? Any tips with trav...
I am looking to get a Bob Double Jogger. We are going on Vacation in July and I wanted to check it at the gate. They look really big. Does anyone know if this will...
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with taking the BOB double stroller through security at the airport? We are traveling with a 2 and 4 yr old so while...
We're going to Disney in a few weeks and I'm trying to decide what stroller to bring. We have a Bob Duallie that I love and I really want to bring but I don't know i...
I have read many of the 'international travel' q&a's but didn't see the answer to my questions.
1. What is the proper procedure for diaper changes on a long flight...
Hi All!
Here's the issue. We're relocating and flying to our home city. We absolutely need to bring our car seat with us because we'll be driving from the airport ...
Dear moms,
I know this question comes up in different formulations with some regularity but I can't find it with my specific circumstances so need to ask my own.
We're taking a family vacation (my parents, sister and her kids 14 and 18, my husband, myself and our 5 year old daughter). This is our 1st long trip and airplane ri...
Hi mamas! I am in a bit of a panic and I would love as many suggestions as possible. My husband, 20 mo. old daughter, and I are flying to Chicago in a couple of wee...