I desperatly want to quit smoking. My husband and I both decided to quit together. The nicotine gum works great for him but I hate it. It makes my mouth burn. I am lo...
Hi there! I've been married to my husband for over 5 years and prior to ever getting married he's been promising to quit smoking. "I promise I'll quit before we get...
I have been a smoker for many years. I started smoking when I was 16 and I am currently 43. Wow, that's 27 years. I have been able to quit whenever I was pregnant ...
I know it's terrible, but I never quit smoking during my pregnancy. I need to decide if I'm going to breastfeed. I assume that it's not a good idea since I know I'm...
Hello wonderful moms! I am 32 years old with three children ages 11, 4, and 3. I started smoking after my first marriage ended in 2000. I was the last person anyone...
I've been an on and off smoker (mostly on) for 9 years. Not smoking during my pregnancy/breastfeeding wasn't a problem. But every time I get together with friends so...
I am 25 years old, have been smoking since I was 12. Yeah, I know young, but I think most long time smokers start young. Anyway, I have made the decision to quit. M...
Hi I am now pregnant with my second child....at five months I am still unable to kick the smoking habit....I smoked till about 4 months with my son and on and off th...
I have read a few months ago about a quitting smoking pill that cost about 120.00 a month that was available by prescription. I was trying to find out what this medi...