Staying Hydrated: Toddler, Aquaphor

70 articles

Diaper Rash

M.G. asks from Dallas

Moms, do you have any secrets to relieving diaper rash?? My 9month has Rotavirus and has sever diaper rash. We have used Butt Paste and soaked her in Domeboro...any o...


Diaper Rash!

M.S. asks from Portland

Aaah! Our 10mo. old daughter has finally gotten her first bout of diaper rash and it's AWFUL!!! All of a sudden just appeared today when it was fine only a few hour...


Need HELP for Severe Diaper Rash/yeast Infection

K.S. asks from Raleigh

My 20-month-old developed a double ear infection and has been put on Omniceft for 10 days. A side effect of the meds is that he has very loose stools MULTIPLE times ...


Burning Her Bottom!!!

T.D. asks from Canton

My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches ...


Diaper Rash

A.P. asks from Pensacola

Help! My daughter has had a very bad diaper rash for 5 days now. I started by using Balmex creamy. Which I have used before and it worked but after 2 days it seemed w...


Severe Diaper Rash Help

M.V. asks from Philadelphia

My 10 month old was on antibiotics which we completed 9 days ago and she still has diareah (forgive the spelling) but worse off she has what seems to be an incurable ...


Diaper Rash - on Going

D.H. asks from Topeka

My daughter who is 1 1/2 has had a diaper rash for approximately 3 months on and off now. It seems to come and go. She will get a little bit of a rash and we will g...


Thank You!

K.R. asks from Boston

Thank you so much for all the great advise. Very happy to be a member of mamasource. Dillon's rash is getting better with Ammens powder. I will remeber all the gre...


Baby Is Constipated-what to Do?

T.P. asks from Salinas

I posted recently my frustration with my gassy fussy baby and expressed my concerns about formulas and breastfeeding. I am now solely breastfeeding but my poor baby g...



B.P. asks from Chicago

I'm looking to make my own baby wipes. My baby is 2 weeks old and his bottom is already irritated from commercial wipes. Does anyone have a good recipe?