Soothing & Comforting: Robeez

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65 answers

Stride Rite Shoes

I have a 14-month old daughter who is not walking by herself yet, but will walk when assisted. I feel that it could be any time now that she will start walking on her own. She is currently wearing Robeez shoes, but I was wondering if I should make the investment in a pair of Stride Rites at this stage. Would love to hear from others on their opinions of this brand or other brands of shoes. Thanks so much.


Early Walking Shoes

my daughter is 14 months old, and is not walking yet. however, she gets...

Baby Swings

See all 19 articles
54 answers

Your Favorite or Most Useful Baby Gift

I have several friends and relatives who are due in the next few months and am looking for some meaningful and/or really helpful baby gifts. It seems like everyone gave me clothes when my girls were born and although they were useful, they weren't very meaningful. And after all, a well-dressed baby still has problems sleeping, eating or whatever! I have hand-knitted gifts in the past but just don't have the time now. Also, any suggestions for an item that you found invaluable that you were so thankful to have?

Nap & Bedtime

5 answers

Keeping Pjs Zipped

My 18-month-old son is warm wearing PJs that zip from the footie to the neck. He's learned to unzip them and does it walking around the house and, more frustratingly, in bed when he should be calming down to sleep. We're worried he's going to be cold at night and if we check on him, he'll wake up! Any tips for keeping those PJs zipped?! Thanks! M.