Sleep Problems: Diaper Covers

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Do Wool Diaper Covers for Cloth Work?

I am looking to cloth diaper our next baby and I want to use wool, but I'm afraid it will leak all over and I'll still have a wet lap. I wondered if any cloth diapering mamas would have any experience or advice to share with me? I've read about lanolizing, but does it keep the wetness inside the cover?

Sleep Training

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Nightime Potty Training

My 3 yer old is potty trained except for when she sleeps. I have cut her off from drinks at 7, then 6. And in the moring she is still soaked. Before we did the potty training she could last all night. I have tried diaper covers over her panties, and she just wakes up, wkaes me up to change her and goes back to sleep. So we are back to diapers at night, which she almost enjoys wearing. Any suggestions?