Second Grade: Infant, The First Years

Results 11-20 from 549 articles

Infant with RSV

L.M. asks from Austin

I took my 3 month old baby girl to hospital this past Wednesday. They ran a series of test on her, it came back that she has RSV- respitory virus. Ok great, but now w...


Any Noe Valley/Glen Park 1St-3rd Graders Looking to Play with a Fun 2Nd Gr. Boy?

S.Q. asks from San Francisco

We've been in the city now a little over a year, moved from the East Bay suburbs with a big yard, a court full of kids & a mom's group with constant playdates. My so...


Planning a 2Nd Child

D.R. asks from Philadelphia

Our firstborn just turned 1, and we're starting to talk about #2! Just wanted some feedback from parents with kids 2 years apart and 3 years apart. I know every chi...


What Do You Really Need for an Infant?

L.L. asks from Hartford

So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...


Ear Tubes for an Infant

K.C. asks from Waterloo

My 10 month old daughter has been having a really hard time this winter, she has had everything from tonsilitis, croup (which she was in the hospital for this last we...


Thinking of Having Another Baby

T.L. asks from Washington DC

I am thinking about having another baby. My first child is 12.5, my newest addition will be 1 in May, I was thinking about trying for another baby so that the newest...


Your Baby Can Read

L.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hi there! I'm a mom to a 5.5 month old little girl. I'm a teacher with my master's degree in reading and have been an avid reader my wholr life. Having said that, I...


Spacing of 3Rd Baby

K.F. asks from Portland

My husband and I are starting to think about a third baby but aren't sure about the timing. We currently have a barely 3 year old and a 16 month old. Due to the nat...


Baby with Dairy Intolerance/allergy

D.N. asks from Chicago

Hello, My name is D. and I am new to this group but I like the idea of talking to other Moms and sharing knowledge/advice with them. I think I've learned more fro...


Best Carseat to Buy After We Outgrow Rear-facing Infant Carseat?

H.P. asks from San Antonio

My little boy is 6 and a half months old, and weighs 20 lbs. He's almost 30 inches long and is beginning to get too long for our rear-facing infant carseat. We have...