I'm almost ready to move my baby girl from her infant car seat into the convertible car seat that we have. However, I need to buy a toddler seat for my son first (he'...
My son is 4.5 yrs. old and I still have him ride in his car seat. He sits in the seat but it's fastened w/ a seat belt not the harness of the car seat. The car seat...
I am looking for a little advise/suggestion about moving my 3 yo to the next car seat. We currently have an Evenflow Convertable car seat, and have been very happy w...
I am looking for a new car seat for my 14 month old daughter. She is just over 20 lbs and 30 inches tall. I have been doing some research and from what I have read ...
I am starting my search on purchasing the front facing car seat for my 9 month old. Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of car seat to get because there ar...
Hi! I am just investigating a car seat for my baby. She is 9 months and about 17 pounds. I am wondering which convertible car seat is good and why. I am looking at th...
Our dear little one will be 1 at the end of April and he really is getting to big for his infant car seat that I love, it is evenflo. We have to buy two car seats b/c...
Hi! I'm looking for a convertible/combination car seat. I want one of those that can be used from 22 lbs with the 5 point harness and then remove the back and be used...
My little guy has just about outgrown his infant car seat so we are about to buy a convertable seat. He's nine months old and weighs almost 22 pounds. He's got a f...
Ok. So my husband has an '07 ford mustang and we cannot seem to get the infant car seat that we have to fit in his car. Does anyone have a mustang and do you have any...