Any recommendations on a convertible car seat that can be used rear-facing? My daughter is 15mos but only 17lbs so we have a ways to go before she can face forward. ...
Our 5 1/2 month old is in the 90 and 95th percentiles for height and weight and will be out of his infant carrier by the end of the summer. We are starting to look in...
My little boy is 6 and a half months old, and weighs 20 lbs. He's almost 30 inches long and is beginning to get too long for our rear-facing infant carseat. We have...
My 17 pound 8 month old is not heavy enough for the graco nautilus that many moms have recommended on this site, but is too long for his current infant carseat. I've ...
I have a 2.9 year old daughter who is very small.
I kept her rear facing until she was close to or over 2 because she was small.
I turned her around for two reason...
My daughter is almost 1 but very small for her age. She is 16.7 lbs so still fits within the height and weight for our infant rear facing car seat.
At what poin...
My son is just about to outgrow his first car seat. I would like to buy a new seat that he can use for awhile. One that I can use rear facing until he turns one and t...
My son is 6 months old and already over 20 lbs and therefore outgrowing his 1st car seat/carrier. So I'm starting to look into getting him a new car seat. I know he...
My son is almost 13 months, is 30in. and 20lbs 11.5oz. He has always hated the car and I think it's because he must get car sick or just really hates sitting rear fa...
Hi Moms,searching for a new car seat for my daughter and wanted to know what you thought about the car seat Alpha Omega? your import means alot!
Thank you, T. C