Preparation: Toddler, Graco

16 answers

My Son Is Ready to crawl...What to Do?

My son is almost 7 months old and will be crawling within the next couple of weeks - it seems. I have two dogs that I limit interaction with the baby. They are around him all day, but I do not leave him on the floor with them unless I'm right there. Now here's where I'm having a little trouble...Thus far it has been easy to put him in his bouncy seat or jumperoo when I had to get something done. But what can I do once he starts crawling and he doesn't fit in these things anymore? I get alot of things done while he naps but I'm just...

Preparing Siblings

See all 32 articles
28 answers

How Do I Prep My 20 Month Old for the Arrival of Her Little Brother?

Hello All, I was hoping to get some info on how I can prep my 20 month old daughter for the arrival of her little brother. My Mother keeps telling me to get her a baby doll so she has a baby just like Mommie but my problem with that idea is she's not really into dolls. I don't think she really understands the concept of taking care of a baby doll right now and don't know if that would help. She's just now starting to interact with her toys, like the Little People Bus and Ark (walking the people onto the bus or animals into the boat). ...