Playing with Others: Infant, Ergo

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18 answers

Baby Who Refuses to Be Put Down!

OK, so I have a newborn - almost 4 weeks old who loves to be held - of course! and I love holding her. I try to hold her as much as I can as I believe all babies need to be held. But my 3 year old also needs to be held and needs her mom and dad. If I put my DD#2 down - she cries and cries. My husband holds her as much as he can too when he is home from work. He is so tired (and to be expected with a newborn, we know that) he put shampoo on his toothbrush! LOL. My 3 year old is getting upset over it, asks to be held alot herself. I have...


New Baby Must-Haves

I am pregnant with my first child and my husband and I were talking about...