Personal Style: Graco

24 answers

Opinions Needed: Stroller in Disney World?

So our trip is booked for October 28th thru November 4th. My daughter is turning 6 on October 15th, and I was thinking about stroller options for her at Disney World. I found a great stroller rental company that seems to be competitively priced with Disney and will drop off and pick up the stroller at our resort. I just think it would be helpful to have for my daughter when she needs a break from walking, but my step dad thinks she will be fine. Opinions anyone? Also, what do you do with the stroller if we were all on a ride? I already know...

Post-Pregnancy Style

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24 answers

New Mom and Baby Registry

I will be having my first child in December and I am attempting to create a baby registry. I thought this process would be easy and it's actually harder than I thought. I know what babies need but at the same time I feel like I don't. So I was just wondering what all you guys have gotten that have been life savers, what have you gotten that hasn't been so great. What were things that you wished you had requested but never got? That sort of thing. I will be having a baby boy and I've had lots of people tell me that because I'm having...