Nutrition: Infant, Arms Reach

9 answers

Looking for Ways to Distract Toddler While Cooking Dinner

This question is actually for my mother, who watches my almost-2 year old daughter while I work (full time, unfortunately). She really struggles during the late afternoon when it's time to make dinner, because my daughter wants to be played with or held (naturally). My daughter is too big and my mom too old to be carrying my daughter in a sling or anything like that while she cooks. And she INSISTS on cooking, despite my assurances that she should not worry about it. I've encouraged her to bring out the pots and pans and spoons and have my...


Going to the Beach

We're taking our 4 year old granddaughter to the beach for the first time...

Solid Foods & Weaning

See all 49 articles
29 answers

Entertining Toddler While Nursing Infant

Hello everyone! I have a 19-month-old daughter and just had another beautiful baby girl 2 weeks ago. So far my husband and I have been able to balance the needs of both girls well, but he will be going back to work later this week and I am very nervous to be alone with two little ones! My main concern is how to keep my older daughter entertained and out of trouble while I nurse the baby. The doctor said I need to nurse her every two hours because she wasn't gaining enough weight and that only leaves one to one and a half hours between...