Nutrition: Arms Reach

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32 answers

What Would You Do in This Situation?

I have a friend who is way more "popular" than me. She is friendly, outgoing, funny, social, all that kind of stuff. So when I am with her, we have fun and she makes me laugh. But...I find it a little more than irritating that she never...okay, rarely, I do mean precisely rarely, has her iPhone less than arms reach away. Pretty much the entire time I am with her, she is texting her many other friends, sharing on facebook, and that one-on-one conversation is rare as she is incessantly texting her other friends. We went to the beach...


How to Stop Biting

How do you stop a 1 year old from bitting. We had a consultation with the...


Going to the Beach

We're taking our 4 year old granddaughter to the beach for the first time...

Bottle & Breastfeeding

See all 18 articles
43 answers

Anyone Else Co-sleeping?

I know this is a heated subject, but it happens to work well for our family. (Don't worry, my husband and I are very happy.) I'm wondering if anyone one else has done this sucessfully. Did your kids actually decide when the time was right to sleep in their rooms? Was it difficult to stop breastfeeding? Looking for support. Thank you in advance!


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28 answers

6 Week Old Not Sleeping at Night or in Crib

My son is almost 6 weeks old and will not sleep in his crib, especially at night. He does take Prevacid for reflux (only for the past 3 days..waiting for it to kick in). He wakes himself up from spitting up so much. He is a breastfed baby but constantly spits up, especially when laid down. We have tried everything... bed is elevated, wedges used to keep him snug, sleeping on side, laying him down when he is almost asleep. He won't let me swaddle him because he gets mad when he can't move his arms. I have tried letting him sleep in his...


See all 174 articles
42 answers

Mixing Breast Milk with Formula

I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 2 mo. old boy and my little guy is gaining on avarage 12 ounces a week. He was 13.11 oz at his 2 month check up on Monday and doing great! He's a really happy healthy baby boy. I feed him every 2.5 - 3 hours during the day and he's still waking up every 4-5 hours at night to eat. He seems like he's starving, just always hungry especially at 3am. I think he's feeding and my husband gives him a 4.5oz bottle of my breast milk at 11pm (that's all he'll take) and he still wakes up between 3 and...


Solid Foods & Weaning

See all 50 articles
16 answers

Need Help on Nightime Weaning!!!

I'm willing to try anything! While I don't expect my 4 month old to sleep through the night, she's consistantly getting up to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours like clockwork. Most of the time, it seems she's not really drinking much. I give her a bottle of formula right before bed at around 8:30 p.m./9:00 p.m., and then when she wakes in the night, I'm nursing her. But she only nurses for about 5 minutes before drifting off to sleep again. I have to get up for work at 5:00 a.m. every morning and with her schedule, she's getting me up at 4...