I want to purchase a sling to carry my son in. He is 2 months old and LOVES to be held. I also have a 18 mth old girl, so I need some "extra" hands. I was hoping t...
My 5 mo old weighs 15 lbs and is 25" long now. She has outgrown her Baby Bjorn front carrier. That carrier was good expect it doesn't have any waist support so when...
Hi everyone, I'm expecting my second baby in about 10 weeks. I have an Ergo Baby Carrier, which I LOVE, but feel that it's a bit too "loose" and big for a newborn. ...
My grand daughter is 5 months old. She has never been a good rider in the car. I thought she might be car sick, or I thought maybe her car seat was not comfortable,...
so my fiance just called and said he will definatley have the day off this sunday and that hes not sure if he will have another day off for a couple weeks because of ...
My first son loved to be held and carried and we went through 4 different carriers before we found one that we loved, the Ergo. I carried him in it in stores until h...
Hi! I feel really stupid, but I just found out that you're not supposed to put your baby in his/her infant car seat in the top part of the shopping cart! I did this w...
I' looking into purchasing either a baby carrier or a sling for a 4 month old. He's classified as a "high needs baby" (according to Dr. Sears) and needs to be held a...
Has anyone every used the carrier called the "Moby Wrap?" How about the Peanut Shell? Baby Bjorn? Tell me what you love or hate about some carriers. Not super in...
My dd is 14 days old and I am having increasing difficulty getting her to sleep in her crib. I was able to get her to sleep in it when we first got home during the da...