My 4 month old weighs 20 lbs. now. He is VERY uncomfortable in the car seat we bought before he was born. Don't recall the brand now but we can barely buckle him up w...
My son is almost 9 months old and is 22lbs...he has hit the max weight for our infant carseat! So I need to buy a convertible one...I have spent hours and hours readi...
I recently made a request asking moms which car seat would be best for my son who is 4 months and already 21 pounds and 28 inches long. Thanks you for the overwhelmin...
My daughter is 5 months old and rapidly outgrowing her infant car seat - she isn't that heavy but she is very tall. We have a Graco seat that I have grown to hate. It... son will be turning 2 at the end of this month. He is over 3 feet tall and weighs 34 pounds. I have an Evenflo convertible carseat right now...but I know the ...
Ok, I'm shopping for a booster seat for my daughter because I heard that if the straps are under the shoulder, then they've outgrown it. Well, she's got her straps a ...
I am trying to find a SAFE but inexpensive convertible car seat. Does anyone have or know if the Cosco Scenera Convertible Car Seat (in Katie) is any good? I found i...
I just realized that my sons are outgrowing their car seats and that I'm going to need to move them into the "booster" type seats. I had remembered that our car seats...
We've tried to wait as long as we could.....our 6 month has outgrown her carrier and we must buy her a bigger car seat (only, we have to buy 2, because my husband and...
i'm a little overwhelmed right now. My daughter is 10 mos old and about 17lbs and 27-28 inches. i've started looking for the next car seat but am so overwhelmed by ...