Medications: Preschooler, Steroids

12 answers

Chronic Vulvar Irritation

I really need some help with this. I have had for the last 6 months, a chronic irritation/burning/itching of the vulvar area. It has at times also really swelled up. I have been to the gyno 4 times and have been cultured for a bunch of stuff. Nothing has come up except for beta strep (which I have been treated for twice). She even took a biopsy which really didn't show anything. I had been taking a medication for my skin (acne) which I thought might be contributing to this. I stopped taking that about 2+ weeks ago and I still don't...


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68 answers

My 3 Year Old Daughter Suffers from Extreme Eczema.

She's had eczema since 3 months. We've tried everything any doctor instructs. Nothing has helped. I'm currently working with a chemist who is trying to formulate a product that is sensitive enough for her skin, but still able to deliver the right nutrients for healing. I WANT TO TALK TO MOMS who have been in my shoes. She scratches all night. I could list the things I've tried. It would take forever, however, I am willing and eager to know what has worked for you. I'll try anything.