Hypoallergenic: Steroids

Results 41-50 from 294 articles


C.S. asks from Minneapolis

My 4 ½ month old has developed eczema. He is currently on Enfamil, as it seems this is the only formula that will agree with him. Would a soy formula help reduce t...


Soon to Be 6 Month Old Is Wheezing

A.M. asks from Phoenix

My son will be 6 months old on Feb 6th. He got a bad cold while in day care about 2 1/2 months ago and has not seemed to be the same since. We have gone to the doctor...


Does Anyone Know of Any Natural Treatments for Asthma?

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 year old son has asthma anytime he gets a cold. The problem is he catches colds so easy and any cold goes straight to his lungs. Then we have to start breathin...


Peanut Allergies?

D.L. asks from Los Angeles

My question is this. when i was growing up I never heard of anyone with a peanut alergy. We commonly brought beanut butter and jelly sandwiches to school and when a...


Baby Allergies

K.K. asks from Denver

Hi all, I sat down the other day and wrote the longest letter to you, but at the end I saw my own answer and just deleted the whole thing. But here I am again confu...


Baby Eczema Help!

J.L. asks from Sacramento

my 4-month-old son has eczema all over his body, face and head. I used steroid to keep it under control. But once I stopped applying steroid, the eczema comes back, e...


Help with Baby Itch Relief -Eczema

M.T. asks from San Francisco

My 3-month old has eczema. The Dr. just told me to put an over the counter eucerin on the affected area but now he's starting to scratch and rub any suggestions for w...


Here We Go Again, Baby W/ Rash Part 3

S.B. asks from Atlanta

Okay, here we go again, in a nut shell...My son had a rash under his chin that spread around his neck, down his chest and back and up his face. The doctor first told...


Atopic Dermatitis for 3 Month Old Boy

M.B. asks from San Diego

My son started to have rashes in the his face since we got him from the hospital. We thought it is just about the changes in the weather like heat. But now that he is...


1 Year Old with Severe Eczema and Food Allergies-Any Suggestions

L.D. asks from Detroit

I have a 1 year old son with severe eczema. He is allergic to milk, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, strawberries, bananas, pineapples, grapes, polyester,acrylic, and who ...