Hi mommas,
My son just turned 1 year old & I have loved being able to be a stay-at-home momma for his 1st year. Financially, we have been struggling to make ends ...
Please help! I unfortunately had to go back to work part time because I carry the insurance for our family. My daughter is just about 3 months old and is breastfed. W...
Hi Moms,
I was wondering why the David Ramsey program works so well for you all as compared to other advisors? I want to start the year off right and get our financ...
My 8 week old baby will not sleep in his crib. I'm having the most problems with getting him down for naps as he wants to sleep in the Baby Bjorn or while lying on s...
To all parents of former screamers, how did your infant turn out? Are they still fussy? Always giving you and run for your money? Constantly into everything as a t...
When I first started pumping, I used a hospital grade pump that I rented from a place near Prentice. Then I went on a trip to visit family and asked them to pick me u...
I'm sure this subject has been posted before, but please humor me, and share any advice you have! My husband and I are traveling to upstate New York in July with our ...
My 5 1/2 month baby boy was doing pretty well at sleeping through the night or would be able to cry/self-soothe himself back to sleep after waking up. This pa...
My son is 9 weeks and about 9 pounds/23 inches. That is right about at the very bottom of the infant weight curve (5th percentile) if not below. He was born 7 pound...