Front Teeth: Infant, The First Years

Results 81-90 from 208 articles

Tongue Clipping, Tongue Tied, Just Plain Speech Problems.

H.M. asks from Omaha

My son had speech problems. They were noticeable from his first words on but he was put in the speech program at his school right away and now in first grade they say...


Has Anyone Ever Switched Their Child to a Different Classroom?

K.H. asks from Kansas City

My daughter started Kindergarten last fall, and even though we had no initial doubts about her going, it has been a rough road from the start. She is terrified of her...


Happy, Healthy 4M Girl but Very Demanding and fussy-Need Help

T.W. asks from Panama City

Hey ladies I need help desperately. I am a stay at mom of 2 (boy 23m and girl 4m) full time student, have my own business as well as am the recreation director for my...


Uncontrollable at 12

T.T. asks from Waco

My son was diagnosed at age 3 with PDD (pervasive developemental disorder , mild autism spectrum). A few years ago the pediatrician added adhd , odd, amongst other be...


15-Month Old Won't Stop Drooling

C.W. asks from Los Angeles

Since my baby was born, he has been a heavy drooler. He drools ALL the time, goes through roughly 10 bibs a day and NEVER can go out without wearing one. The droolin...


Advice on Discipline and General Concerns with an 11 Month Old

R.D. asks from Wichita

Hi Moms, I have a few questions for ya.... My daughter is 11 months old. She will be one April 6. I was wanting some advice on what I should be doing for discipline ...


Home-cooked Meals for 9-Month Olds

J.L. asks from Detroit

Hello. I make all of my sons "baby" food, but now that he is getting a bit bigger, I feel like his meals should be getting more diverse. Honestly, it seems like he ea...


Doctor Referring Us to Children's Hosp. Because 1-Year-old Doesn't Weigh Enough

M.B. asks from Seattle

Our 1 year old boy weighs 17 1/2 pounds now. Our doctor has been saying that he was in the 25th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. She told me to g...


Help - How to Clean House with a 6 Month Old Who Hates Being Put Down?

T.K. asks from San Francisco

We relocated not long before I got pregnant so have no family or close friends for thousands of miles to help watch him. I was on bedrest for months before the birth ...


Advice for a Non-dog Person on How to Co-exist with One!

M.M. asks from Green Bay

Ok, expecting some backlash from pet lovers, but here goes. I am NOT a dog person. At all. My husband is. Or at least wants to be, but I strongly believe he has to ha...