I wanted to get some thoughts on when to attempt to put my daughter on a schedule or try to? She is only 4 1/2 weeks old and I know that this age is too early, but I...
When should I expect my son to get on a schedule? He will be 7 weeks on Sunday. When is it ok to put him in his crib drowsy but not asleep? Right now, I'm starting t...
My daughter is 4 months old now and my doctor wants us to get her on a 4 hour schedule. Right now she is eating every three hours and she lets us know when that 3 ho...
I've recently decided that I need some kind of daily schedule. I have 2 kids (a wile 2 yr old boy and 1 month old baby girl) and I've been really lazy lately and jus...
I have a eight month old. He is my second and quite different from my first. He has started fighting me when going down for his nap. He use to go down without a pee...
My daughter is seven weeks coming up and I am trying to figure out how to put her on a feeding schedule. She is formula-fed and has a milk-protein allergy so she is o...
My daughter just turned 8 months old today. We have been feeding her 1st food puree's (and oatmeal) since she was 6 months old. I am ready to go to 2nd foods now and ...
We are proud parents of twins who are nine weeks old. The last week or two they have become more fussy and life has become a little more challenging. My request wou...
Hi ladies,
I just had my second daughter last week and she initially was not eating well. She has since picked up a bit--now feeds 5-10minutes on each side every ...
just wanted to check in and see what ppl's day looked like esply with eating (and what foods), how much milk a day, and sleep schedules? we just got back from the ped...