My grandson's feet have smelled horrible off and on since he was a toddler. I just about die when he takes his shoes's just not normal to smell so bad an...
any home remedies instead of surgical removal? my son started out with one between his eyebrows and now has two more on his neck. it's growing and i make him wear c...
My 19 yr old son has a body rash almost like bites all over his body. They almost look like chicken pox but he's had them before. This has been on going for about 1...
Hello Moms!
My 11 month old son has extremely dry skin and nothing we try seems to be helping. Any recommendations for a baby lotion that works really well? We hav...
Hello mamas,
I am 31 years old now, and I'm wondering if my age is why I'm having this problem? My face is very dry, and it has flaky patches mainly in the T-zone....
hi mommies,
i just stumbled upon this article this morning and it made me concern about chemicals in my beauty products:
I have always had clear skin but now that I am in my 2nd trimester my back and chest have broken out with back acne all over, also a little on my face near my hair li...
Hello son has had sensitive skin since about 3 months old. if something touches his face that dont agree with it he gets a rash. it took FOREVER to figur...
I took my 18 month old to the doctor today with hives. She had one spot last night and when she woke up her legs were all broken out. Within hours it continued to s...
My son was born with tiny bumps on the back of his arms (like mommy). Now, his back is so dry and after bath, the skin on his back turns very red. I use johnson & joh...