My daughter is 18 months old and only weighs 20 lbs. She was 5 lbs at birth. According to my mom, I too was very tiny as a child. My pediatrician said to give her ...
Has anyone ever had Dr. Peter Kuhl with Lonestar OB Gyn as their OB GYN? I am considering switching to him from my regular OB GYN due to the fact that Dr. Kuhl Deliv...
I have a 19 month old that has always been on the small side. he wasn't a premie at birth, but didn't really have any baby fat like my friend's children. His height...
My 15 month old son is not a very good eater. He weighs just under 20 lbs. and is in the 5th percentile for weight. His problem seems to be that he likes one food one...
My daughter was born at 6 lbs. 8 oz. I breastfed exclusively for about 6 months, and she gained weight quickly, always hitting right around the 50% in weight. At he...
My son is 22 months old, and says maybe 10 words. He's picked up a couple of new words here in the last month or so, so I'm getting less worried about his developmen...
I have a friend whos LIL boy is just one month younger then mine. At eight months her son was walking and was saying mama, cup, outside and a few other words. Well he...
My son is going for his 12 month check-up and the nurse informed me at his last visit that this one would be alot of shots. He's up to date with all of his other vacc...
I've taken my 13 months old to the ENT to see if his ears are blocked (nothing there), I read books with (he's somewhat interested), and try to speak slowly so he can...