I was intrigued last week reading about the gdiapers. I was also wondering what other alternatives are out there compared to disposable or cloth diapers.
I have an 8 month old boy who recently started waking up wet every morning:( He is in the right size diapers and it is so frustrating. He is a side sleeper and it s...
I am the VERY happy mother of a beautiful and ACTIVE 9-month-old baby girl. And I am loving every minute of it,,,UNTIL I need to change her diaper. Since my little on...
I have a 7 mo old boy, who mostly sleeps through the night - approximately 12 hours. Each morning, or in the middle of the night when he awakens, his diaper is totall...
Whats you're opinion on cloth diapers? I think they are really cute and better for the environment. Have you used them? Whats the best way to clean them?
Hi, we just invested in some Bum Genius 3.0 cloth diapers. I am looking for practical suggestions regarding cleaning after they have been soiled and storage while wai...
Sooo the earlier post got me thinking... I really do want to try cloth diapering... But I have no clue about brands, stuff you need, etc. Soo...
1. What is your ...
One of my good friend's is having a baby shower in a couple of weeks and I have no idea what to get her. I want to give her something that she will need but at the s...