My son is 20 months old and he has recently been waking up from his naps with piercing screams, legs flailing and arms swinging. When I go to comfort him he wants no...
My lil man was cursed with allergies! He gets severe diaper rash when he has dairy, eggs, peas, or apples. Now whenever he goes outside his poor eyes get really blood...
ANYONE out there know of a good remedy or (management regime for ecezma). So far , this is the list of what I've done and am doing. Nothing has helped him really.
Now that all infant cold medication has been pulled from the shelves, what are you giving your under 2-year-olds to relieve them from stuffy, ruuny nose and/or cough?...
My little one has had a cough since Halloween. Here in St. Louis, we have had a very cold and long winter and he does goes to daycare, but I know stay-at- home kids h...
My son started day care the first of September and since day 3, he's had a cold. We've been to the doctor 5 times in the last two month with things being viral and th...
I've become allergic to the cold! No, not kidding, this isn't a plea to my hubby for us to move to Fiji. Ever since I had my 2nd daughter last spring I've noticed s...
My two-year old had a weird reaction with hives over two weeks ago. We rushed her to the doctor where they blamed it on food. I have racked my brain as to what new ...
We went to the doctor today and he just has a cold, not much you can do and gave me all the advice that all of you had said and said that if he got a fever worse than...
Has anyone been experiencing an ugly virus that won't go away? Me, my husband and my 15 month old son have had a cold on and off for about a month now. We will get ru...