Cold & Flu: Luv

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109 answers

18 Month Old Gets Ear Infections with Every Cold

My son gets an ear infection with every cold he gets. He's seen an ENT, and they recommend he get tubes if he gets another infection. My husband and I are against this. We hope he'll outgrow them. Please share your experiences whether you are in support or against ear tubes. Thanks for your advice.

Flu Shot

15 answers

Emergen-C & Pregnancy

Hi Moms, So far my Hubby and 2 yr old have come down with some nasty 48 hr stomach bug and I feel I'm destined to get it! Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and trying to do everything to prevent myself from catching it but that's very hard considering how much my 2 yr old needs me. Does anyone know if it's safe to take Emergen-C while pregnant along with my Prenatal Vitamins? It's a Vitamin C powder you mix with a drink and it also contains 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 32 Mineral Complexes & B Vitamins. My Hubby thinks it's perfectly...