Hello all,
I am pregnant and need to have a tooth pulled, my back teeth are in very bad shape and I always put off going to the dentist until I need to go. I know no...
I have never had swollen or bleeding gums. I've read that it is a common sign of pregnancy. Well, I'm 3 months late on my period, but the tests keep coming back negat...
My DD is turning 10 on Monday 8/18, and according to her orthodontist, two of her baby teeth are WAY behind schedule for shedding, which is causing one of her permane...
I took my daughter to the dentist yesterday for the first time and she has 4 cavities. THe dentist suggested filling them all and doing sealants. We don't have dent...
My daughter will be 1 this month and has her 2 bottom teeth and a top one thats almost out! When should I take her to a dentist? There is a pediatric denstist in town...
My daughter is going on 17 months old and she has a mouth full of teeth and they just keep coming in very quick. I brush her teeth every day, but I have no idea when ...
My toddler daughter (17 months) has her upper/lower back molars coming in and I'm wondering if it's time to start taking her to a pediatric dentist? When is a good t...
Hi all,
I am wondering when to first bring your child to the dentist. I've heard all sorts of different answers. At the moment, she has eight teeth and four molars...