I recently determined that my little Ben is allergic to milk. It seems like he's had a runny nose as long as I can remember =0( But I recently stopped giving him milk...
My 15 month old is a really picky eater. She will eat meat, cheese or rice. No fruits or veggies. She refuses to try things I know she would like if she gave it a cha...
My 6 month old is strictly breastfed but I'd like to have some formula on hand for emergencies. What is the best formula out there? Price is not an issue as I'll on...
My son is out of control and I cannot seem to get a handle on him. He misbehaves at the public special preschool, daycare, and at home. He curses, back talks and ever...
My son is on a 4-6 month waiting list to be evaluated for autism. But my concerns are more than just that. He also displays some OCD and tics. Which is more important...
My son will be 4 months at the beginning of May and I have heard that I can start him on rice cereal. I have also heard that 4 months is too early. From those moms ou...
I know, the only way to really know is to have an ultrasound. But here's my question anyhow. I am 18 weeks pregnant, my 5th pregnancy (including one miscarry), I was ...
My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...
My son, who is 6 1/2 months old, has been constipated ever since we started him on solid foods. He just goes a little bit each diaper change. This has been going on f...