I am very fortunate to have recieved many wonderful hand me downs for my daughter... but they leave me baffled.
How do other mom's keep the clothes so clear!"
DD ha...
Oh, please someone have a solution out there! I'll try anything!
Tonight was one of the rare occasions where I pulled out the nail polish with my daughter and for th...
I know there have been requests for this before, but I just can't find them.
We had a spill of juice/kool-aid (some red beverage), and now we have a big red stain in...
Has anyone successfully removed a red kool aid or gatorade stain from carpet without changing the color of carpet in the process? If so, what process and/or process ...
So over the weekend my son threw up on the carpet. I cleaned up all I could and then followed that with scrubbing with carpet cleaner. After all of that could still s...
We are getting ready to remodle our kitchen and livingroom. We don't know if we want carpet or hardwood floors. We have a 3 year old and 10 month boys and a lab. W...
Hi moms! I wanted your opinions on what the best kind of carpet shampooer is. After we save up a little bit of money, I am looking into buying one. I don't know if...
I had posted a question earlier about getting my carpet cleaned before baby starts crawling.I got some replies telling it's not safe for babies and having corelation ...