Career: Infant, Angel Care

Results 41-50 from 81 articles

My Son Keeps Turning on His Stomach!

N.G. asks from Sacramento

My 8-month old son keeps turning on his stomach to sleep & every time he does I run in there & turn him back on his side or back.. Im SOOO paranoid & scared of SIDS.....


SIDS Monitor

R.B. asks from Duluth

My son was diagnosed with acid reflux because he is snotty all the time. An ENT yesterday told us that they don't know what causes SIDS but that acid reflux is one of...


What Do I Need??

J.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi all, I'm a first time mom to be, expecting a baby boy in 5 weeks and can't wait!! Any advise on the things you couldn't live without? We have a crib, car seat,...


Worried About My 3 Month Old

A.L. asks from Charleston

Hi mom's, I am a new mom and i'm new to mamapedia. I hope that you can all help me. My 3 month old will barely eat, unless it is watered down baby food, she will n...


8 1/2 Month Old Turning over During the Night

G.M. asks from San Francisco

I'm a working mother of an 8 1/2 month old girl who just this week started turning over in her sleep in the middle of the night. When I asked her pediatrician abo...


If Your Child Is Sick with a Cold, Where Do They Sleep?

S.M. asks from Kansas City

I'm having a hard time giving the Irwin family the benefit of the doubt. Every time I read a new story I see something that makes me cringe. When the 10 month old...


4 1/2 Month Old Flipping on Belly to Sleep

A.L. asks from Philadelphia

my daughter is 4 1/2 months old and is now turning over, but only from her back to her belly. she just started flipping like crazy the other night, and i kept turnin...


First Time Mom-to-be Overwhelmed with All the Products!

D.N. asks from Raleigh

Hi Moms, I am a first time mom-to-be (14 weeks) and have been researching the many products out there for babies. I am basically seeking advice about any and all ...


Motion-Detecting Monitor - Is It Nonsense?

K.B. asks from Chicago

I was wondering if anyone had used a motion detecting monitor (and if so, any recommendations?) for their newborn. I'm in the process of picking one out, and there a...


Advice on a Bassinet?

T.B. asks from Nashville

Hello I am about to bring a new baby home and need advice on the best place for a newborn to sleep? I am a new Mom and am not sure about the best options as there ar...