I'm almost ready to move my baby girl from her infant car seat into the convertible car seat that we have. However, I need to buy a toddler seat for my son first (he'...
My 4 1/2 month old son will soon be needing a convertible car seat. He is now 19lbs. 6 oz. and is 27 inches. Our infant car seat goes up to 22 lbs. and 30 in. I ha...
My 4 month old is a big girl, and we'll be in the market for a new car seat soon. I need something that will go from rear facing to forward facing. At the rate she ...
Hi Ladies! I just have a question for you all. I have a 9 month old who is still in her infant travel carseat, the one that you can just pull in and out of the car? A...
I've come upon the age old dilema - which car seat do I buy? My 6 month old daughter has outgrown her infant car seat. She is 19 pounds and 28 inches tall. Current...
My son is almost 11 months and is about to grow out of his infant car seat. I would love some recommendations of what kind of convertible car seat to get now. Howev...
I have an eleven month old and I am going to be purchasing a new carseat for her. I drive a Prius and currently use the Graco Snugride. I have heard good things abo...
My daughter will be one year old next month and she is still in her infant carrier. It is definitely time for a bigger car seat. I have read the Britax brand has grea...
My son is just about to outgrow his first car seat. I would like to buy a new seat that he can use for awhile. One that I can use rear facing until he turns one and t...
Can anyone give me advice on a good car seat? My baby girl is reaching the weight limit on the first one and I need to get the next step. Anyone have one that they l...