My son is a little over 3 1/2 months old. He is a happy boy and appears healthy but he hasnt had frequent bowel movements for over a month. He started out pooping rou...
Is it normal for a 3 month old on formula to go 3-5 days without a bowel movement? He usually goes every 3 days but this time didn't go for almost 5 days and it was m...
I have been thinking about getting a dog like my daughter has been asking for, but she just turned 6 and I was wondering if that is old enough to care for a dog of he...
My baby son doesn't poo-poo even after 5 days and I have to apply Laxative everytime I wanted him to poo-poo. Is there anything wrong? My baby doesn't have any formu...
WE are having a hard time disciplining my 6-yr-old son. It seems whenever he gets in trouble (teasing his little brother, sassing/disrespect) and we punish him (time ...
Hi, Moms. How do you deal with the words pee, poop, butt, fart, etc. spoken by your five year old? You should know he is laughing hysterically which I know is 100% ...
My Kid who is 3. her problem is she never pass out poo on the toilet seat she always wants a pamper to pass her poo out. in the other hand she passes her urine in the...
I have a wonderful 3 year old that we have successfully "pee" trained, but he wont go poo. He used to go twice a day and now he holds it for up to three days, screami...
I'm at a loss, and hoping that someone can give me some input on my problem. My son, who will be 6 in a few weeks is in Kindergarten. (When he went to preschool ful...