Bottles: Infant, Alimentum

6 articles

Best Bottle for Colic

N.C. asks from Houston

New to this website...ok--My hubby and I are trying to get pregnant with our second child. My first son, now a healthy 8 year old, had major tummy issues as an infan...


Baby Is Extremely Fussy, Very Restless and Refuses to Sleep Without Bottle .

M.L. asks from Louisville

My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...


Bottles and Formula Suggestions

N.M. asks from Detroit

I am going to be a first time mother(single) and I am a bit scared, and I have no idea what type of bottle or formula is the best. I cannot breast feed so I am curio...


Cereal in Bottle for 6 Week Old

A.U. asks from Detroit

Our Pediatrician suspects that my almost 6 week old has "silent reflux" .. She is very very fussy with crazy crying spells all day. Today when I had my oldest there ...


Breastfed 4 Mth Old Now Refusing Bottle

V.B. asks from Sacramento

My 4 mth old daughter usually gets the breast, but on the odd occasion she had no trouble drinking from a nuk bottle - since she was 6 weeks old - whether it was from...


Best Bottle for Spit Up, Gas, Fussiness? Platter Drop Ins Tips?

C.M. asks from Chicago

What have you found to be the best bottles for reducing gas, fussiness, and spit up? I've tried play tex ventaire and playtex drop ins. We also switched formula to en...