I am looking for booster seat reviews like from consumer reports. We are needing to make our purchase next month. I thought we had a longer time but my son went throu...
My son is 3.5 years old. He weighs 42 pounds and is around 40 inches tall. He is still in a 5 pit car seat restraint, but he is quickly outgrowing this option. I need...
My 5 year old is still under 40 lbs and is asking to sit in a booster rather than a car seat with the 5 point harness. She meets the requirements for the height and ...
Hi Everyone! My son turns 9 in June and I have been telling him for a while that he doesn't have to sit in a booster seat once he turns 9. I recently looked it up onl...
My daughter is almost 1 year and is close to out growing her infant carseat. We have an Alpha and Omega Elite carseat but I'm not too happy with it and really only wa...
Hi girls. My daughter just turned 4 in August. She is 39 lbs and 39 inches. I have her in the Britax car seat right now. The weight limit on it far exceeds her we...
I have a 3 year old son who is the size of a 5 year old. We battle at the car seat everytime we try to go out in the car. I was thinking that a booster seat might b...
My toddler will be three in May. I have tried researching this online, but come up with no specific answer, so I'll try what I should've tried first...you guys!!!
My son is 29 months and he is currently in a booster seat (with the back part)because he weighs 38lbs. Over the past month or so, he has been taking off his seatbelt ...