I know every kid has their own interests, but I always thought that part of growing up is learning how to ride a bike. I can even remember my Granny teaching me out i...
My son just turned 5. He wants to learn how to ride a bike. We took him out tonight and he leaned a lot and he was very worried about if we were going to let go. He w...
I have a 16 month old boy who is not walking, cruising, or standing on his own. He has been a very content baby and has shown little interest on his gross motor skil...
My husband and I are trying to teach my son how to ride a bike. he does not understand forward and backward I believe. When he gets around once he pushes him feet b...
My 3 daughters ages 7,6, and 5 all are now old enough to go on long bike rides with me and my husband. None of them wear helmets when riding bikes in the drive way or...
My beloved son is 3, and will be 4 this fall.
He has a scooter and a trike. He also has a little bike with no pedals.
He is now wanting a bike that has train...
My step-daughter is going to be 5 soon and we were wondering what type of bike would be best to get her? She has a trike, and has had it for a couple of years but har...
I have heard that it might be easier for younger kids to learn to ride a bike with a balance bike, which is just like a 2 wheeler except is has no pedals. It made se...
I am currently thinking of getting my son a glide bike for Christmas. It is one of the bikes with no pedals that they push with their feet to get going & then glide ...