Beauty: Toddler, Aquaphor

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36 answers

15 Month Baby with Very Dry Skin

My son is 15 months old and has very sensitive skin. His cheecks are very dry due to the cold. I am constanly putting lotion but his skin gets dry fast and now his cheecks are staring to bleed. I am now using Aveeno for babies for dry skin but is not really working. Is there any other creams that I can use for his sensitive skin?

Hair Care

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14 answers

Skin Care Problems for Mom

Before I had my daughter I had great skin that needed very little work done to it. Now that I've had her I swear the total chemistry of my skin has changed! I'm having oily & dryness along with random breakouts. I don't know much about skin care due to being so lucky early on in life. I've already wasted close to $100 trying different products. I've tried Biore, Mary Kay, Noxema & Proactive. I have really sensitive skin so the Proactive & Noxzema turned me bright red and made my skin super sensitive. The Biore just made me break...


Skin & Bodycare

See all 31 articles
14 answers

Skin Care Problems for Mom

Before I had my daughter I had great skin that needed very little work done to it. Now that I've had her I swear the total chemistry of my skin has changed! I'm having oily & dryness along with random breakouts. I don't know much about skin care due to being so lucky early on in life. I've already wasted close to $100 trying different products. I've tried Biore, Mary Kay, Noxema & Proactive. I have really sensitive skin so the Proactive & Noxzema turned me bright red and made my skin super sensitive. The Biore just made me break...