My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
My precious six month old little boy has his first ear infection, ugh. Unfortunately he also has a cough to go with it. His Ped has me doing nebulizer treatments on ...
My daughter is 5 1/2 weeks old and has reflux. The doctor recommended sitting her up after feedings and burping her more often throughout feedings to keep the formul...
I need advice what to do with my caholic son (turning three months)!!! He cries when he passes gas, too among other things! The doctor told me that i have to wait it...
Okay people...RELAX!!!! I was breastfeeding. My son had a bad latch that was causing incredible amounts of air to be swallowed. It was suggested that I just pump b...
This is not my baby but a friends. Mom needs ideas to get this little one to stop crying 24/7 I kid you not. Baby is 4 weeks old. Mom has taken her to the doctors but...
My 3 month old has had a little bit of a stuffy nose since she was born. It comes and goes and sometimes it's worse than others. She started getting worse on Christ...
I would like to be more specific with the problems I'm having with my 3 month old. She has been a very colicky baby, and just when I think things are getting better t...
I have a 13 week old baby boy. He is normally a very happy baby and very easy. I can put him in his bouncy chair after our play time, get my house work done and he ...
I like to start off by says I love being a part of this site. I get alot of useful information from all of you and I thank you all deeply. My question this time is:...