Activities: Infant, Aquaphor

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89 answers

Baby Has a Terrible Diaper Rash...

I am wondering if anyone has a good cure for diaper rash. I am trying to allow my baby's bottom to get air, applying Balmex, and changing him frequently. I am seeing a little improvement. His bottom is very red and was bleeding a little due to it being so raw. He is in a lot of pain...poor little guy! Thanks for you ideas in advance! :)


Bug Bites on Baby

My daughter and I were attacked by mosquitoes this past weekend. I managed...

Summer Childcare

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12 answers

Aquaphor in Child's Hair

My daughter put Aquaphor in her hair. I've washed it with baby shampoo, but it doesn't come out. Anyone know how to get a petroleum jelly based product out of hair?


Infant with Exzema

My brothers son has really bad exzema. He is seven month old. She is still...